ATULL.COM - Rent Packages Available

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What Rent Packages and Payment Options Exist?

We can minimise the hassle of paying the bills with inclusive options...

THERE ARE THREE MAIN TYPES OF RENT PACKAGES: There is a basic rental package for property rent only, an 'essentials' package for only utility bills and the council tax, and a more 'advanced' package, which adds further options - and can be tailored depending on the property services that you might want. This section basically describes all of the costs involved, and what you get for your money. Please read below for further details:


1. The Basic Package

The Basic Package represents the minimum amount of rent to be paid, on a monthly basis. The tenant has full responsibility of registering and paying for all services used at the property during their tenure. As per standard contracts, evidence of bills being paid and cleared will be required prior to the return of a deposit. Tenants are advised that they are fully liable to any contracts entered with third party suppliers for the duration of that contract (i.e. a broadband service).

The total cost of the basic package is £TBC per month.


2. The Essentials Package (Not available)

This package takes care of the following mandatory items that a tenant will have to pay for within a given property - these includes utilities and council tax, all of which must be paid as a mandatory cost for any tenant. The package contains:

  • Basic property rent
  • Gas bills
  • Electricity bill
  • Water bills
  • Council Tax for all tenant(s)

All of these costs are rolled up into one single monthly rental payment required, which reduces the inconvenience and hassle of arranging and paying multiple bills. The landlord will hold the contracts with the relevant suppliers in these circumstances.

Please note that the rent is based on average usage of the amenities, and should the tenant use much more than this average amount, then I will reserve the right to charge the difference accordingly with one month's notice. So please make consideration for using the water / gas / electricity on an average usage requirement.

The total cost of the 'Essentials' package is currently set at £(not available) per month.

3. The Advanced Packages (not available)

The advanced packages include additional requirements that a tenant might have, on top of that specified in the essential package above. These additional options can be chosen on a 'menu' basis, where the tenant can indicate what additional services are desired within the package, choosing as many or as few additional services as required. The additional options, plus their current corresponding prices, are shown below:

Cost Type Monthly Cost Notes
TV Licence £TBC Essential for TV
BT Line Rental £TBC A separate account will need to be set-up in the tenant's name, as the tenant will be fully responsible for paying all telephone call charges, and this will not be covered in the rent
Broadband Internet £TBC This cannot be added unless the line rental is added first - a connection modem can be provided and configuration can be done by me for you at an additional cost .
Sky Digital TV Basic £TBC For basic Sky Mix package. Add on £ if Sky Movies / Sports required. This price could vary, depending on the package requested - the price quoted is the minimum additional amount to be paid. I will utilise any internet deals with this where applicable, but the tenant(s) are reminded that they have an obligation for the contract duration

These additional options can be arranged prior to the tenant arriving at the accommodation, provided that the deposit is received in advance. I will need at least 2 weeks notice to adjust for any of the above requirements.

Once a suitable tenant is selected and has agreed to move in, the tenant will need to commit to paying the 'Essentials' rent of £TBC per month plus the corresponding amounts for any of the advanced options above. That cost will then be added onto the monthly rent, to make up a higher amount

Methods and Frequency of Payment

Four weeks rent must be paid prior to the tenant moving in as refundable deposit (depending on services chosen), and the first month's rent must also be paid and cleared by the day before the tenant moves in to the property. Assuming that both sums of money are paid in advance, any additional facilities (TV, set-top box, modem, etc) can be arranged and installed in advance of the tenant arriving as well. All money to be paid by the tenant on a monthly basis must be done by arranged direct debit straight to my account, on a convenient date (i.e. usually monthly intervals from the date of moving in).

So, there you have it - the costs all laid out. It is designed to take the hassle away from the tenant and make life easier for everyone. Please continue to browse through the other sections, otherwise if you have decided to apply, please go to the 'How to Apply' link below:

Property DetailsClick Here to find out more details about the place, including pictures of all of the rooms, key furniture provided, fixtures and fittings, details of certificates available and basic property info that you need to know to help make your decision.

Location Details Click Here to find out more about the surrounding location for this property, in terms of access to major roads, major train and underground stations, bus transport links, proximity to shops, restaurants and bars, and information about tourism in the area. This should help given an understanding of how good the location is.

Rent Packages Click Here to find out more details about the rental packages on offer. The property is rentable with the inclusion of all standard household bills (water, gas, electricity) and council tax payments accounted for - as a managed service. Another package is available to cover telephones, broadband and TV. You can also find out how much £££ it costs to rent!

Tenancy Agreement Terms Click Here to find out more details about the basic Assured Shorthold Tenancy laws in place (it's not meant to scare you off, but is just common sense). The tenant will be required to sign a contract very similar to the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement (with additional clauses for inclusive rent) prior to moving in.

Who am I looking for? Click Here to find out more information on the sorts of things I am looking for in a prospective tenant - most of it is common sense, but I think that it is always a good thing to mention this, based on past (good) experience.

How to Apply? If you have read all of the other sections, and are interested in finding out more about the place, click here to find out more details about how you can contact me to discuss further the possibility of renting this property. I can answer questions, or arrange a viewing.

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