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Assured Shorthold Tenancy in Plain English (out-of-date)

I've got the basics of the AST agreement below (NB this is out of date now)

IN PLAIN ENGLISH: I've put together a summary of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement below, so as a tenant you can be informed of what your obligations and rights are, and what mine (as a landlord) are too. This isn't meant to scare you, but give you a clear idea of the contract that you will be asked to sign. If some of the clauses seem contentious, it is worth bearing in mind that these are considered AST standard, and are useful for the tenant to understand in advance. I have added certain sections relating to inclusive rental aspects of the agreement, where this differs from an AST. Hope this helps.

Tenant’s obligations


Rent and outgoings

  • The tenant needs to account and pay for any additional services not included in the Rent for the full term - this includes fulfilment of any contracts they may enter (or I may enter on their behalf in an inclusive arrangement)
  • The tenant will pay increased rent if services used exceed their average thresholds (this applies for overusage of the gas and electricity services, where the cost exceeds £100 per month across a year). This will be assessed at 6-monthly intervals, when bills are produced


  • The tenant should not let payment for services fall into disarray or disconnection, that they are responsible for
  • The tenant should not change the original telephone number of the property, or have it transferred
  • The tenant should not to make the landlord liable for telephone calls made by themselves

Conditions of occupation

  • The tenant cannot use the property as a business / trading address
  • If a third party contacts the tenant in relation to the property, the tenant is obligated to reveal this to the landlord within 7 days and comply with corresponding instructions given by the landlord
  • The tenant cannot sub-let or share possession of the property with others, unless Landlord consent is given
  • The tenant cannot leave the property unoccupied for more than 28 days without informing the landlord
  • The tenant must secure the property using all locks and measures available whilst unoccupied
  • The tenant must pay for cleaning of all bed sheets, towels and cloths provided that become soiled during tenancy
  • The tenant must not use a television on the property unless a TV licence is being paid for
  • The tenant must not be a nuisance to the landlord or neighbours
  • The tenant must not obstruct any public access ways by the parking of vehicles or otherwise
  • The tenant must pay landlord any costs incurred by the landlord, if:
    • The tenant applies for something, whether it is approved / refused / withdrawn
    • The tenant is in breach of contract and costs are incurred by the landlord
  • The tenant must not smoke in the property at all, unless it is in the garden
  • The tenant must not have more than 20 persons to be inside the Property at any given time

Tenant’s repairs

  • The tenant is responsible for repair costs for any furniture and appliances provided (excluding wear & tear or damage by accidental fire), and should look after the property and all of its contents accordingly [the tenant will have the opportunity to test all appliances prior to moving in]
  • The tenant must advise the Landlord immediately of any items of disrepair for which the Landlord is liable (these are fixtures, fittings and electrical / plumbing connections)
  • The tenant must clean the house and windows monthly and again at the end of the tenancy
  • The tenant must immediately to replace all cracked and broken glass
  • The tenant must ensure all water pipes are unobstructed
  • The tenant must ensure that property is kept free from vermin, pests and insects
  • The tenant must keep the garden at the property in a neat and tidy condition

Yielding up

  • The tenant will pay up to £100 in expenses to clean property at tenancy end if it is not clean
  • The tenant must leave fixtures and fittings as found (and in the same state) as at the beginning of the tenancy


  • The tenant must allow access to landlord if notice has been given
  • If the tenant is responsible for repairs and does not carry them out within a month, the landlord can enter and carry it out at the tenant’s expense
  • The tenant must allow landlord access to property when the landlord wishes to sell or find replacement tenants for viewing purposes


  • The tenant cannot change any locks without prior landlord consent
  • The tenant pays for any new keys required (plus one for landlord), and must return them at end of tenancy. The tenant is liable to pay for lock replacement if keys are lost
  • The tenant cannot put up signage, aerials or satellite dishes outside the property
  • The tenant must not make any alterations or additions to the Property or the internal or external decoration scheme or colours
  • The tenant should not do anything which damages the internal or external walls
  • The tenant should not build obstructions on the property and should let the landlord know if someone else does

Landlord’s obligations



  • The landlord will arrange gas and electricity payments on behalf of the tenant
  • The landlord will be liable for payment of any other inclusive bills, agreed upon beginning the tenancy


  • The landlord is liable to insure the property and provided contents, but the tenant’s possessions are not insured


  • The landlord liable for structural repairs; but not for fittings (appliances) which control supply of water, gas, electricity, for which the tenant is responsible [the tenant will have the opportunity to test all appliances prior to moving in]

Mutual agreements



  • Deposit will be held by the landlord as security for tenant complying with this agreement
  • The landlord can deduct unpaid rent or expenses from deposit incurred due to any tenant non-compliance
  • If the deposit amount is deducted, the tenant must top-it up through added rental payment
  • The landlord has right to retain enough deposit required to resolve any breach to the agreement, or ask for more if necessary
  • The deposit will not be accepted as a substitute for rent
  • The landlord will provide a written report on any damage to the fixtures and fittings, and resulting deposit deductions at the end of the tenancy
  • The Deposit will be returned within 1 month of tenancy end after any deductions made
  • If the tenant change personnel during tenancy, the deposit is not refunded
  • If there is more than one tenant, the landlord can repay the deposit to whomever he chooses


  • If rent is not paid within 14 days of the due date, a 5% charge per annum + bank base rate % interest will apply on the outstanding amount


  • The landlord can enter the property, and the tenancy can cease if:
    • The Rent is overdue
    • The tenant is declared bankrupt
    • The tenant has not complied with tenancy regulations

Rent suspension

  • If the property becomes uninhabitable or too risky to inhabit for areas of the landlord’s responsibility, then the rent will reduce/cease until resolved


  • The landlord can end the Tenancy with minimum 1 month’s written notice
  • The tenant can end the Tenancy with minimum 1 month’s written notice


  • Any notice sent by registered post shall be considered served 48 hours after delivery, unless returned undelivered. Otherwise an email with a delivery receipt will be considered the same.

Disclaimer: Please note that although the above helps you to understand the contract, you need to be happy with and sign up against the real shorthold agreement when ready. The above is for information only, and should not itself be considered a contract.

List of Properties Click Here to go back to the property home page and view headline information, prices and status on the properties availabke for rent. This page is updated regularly with statuses of planned and current availabilities, so please check back if interested.

Tenancy Agreement Terms Click Here to find out more details about the basic Assured Shorthold Tenancy laws in place (it's not meant to scare you off, but is just common sense). The tenant will be required to sign a contract very similar to the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement (with additional clauses for inclusive rent) prior to moving in.

Who am I looking for? Click Here to find out more information on the sorts of things I am looking for in a prospective tenant - most of it is common sense, but I think that it is always a good thing to mention this, based on past (good) experience.

How to Apply? If you have read all of the other sections, and are interested in finding out more about the place, click here to find out more details about how you can contact me to discuss further the possibility of renting this property. I can answer questions, or arrange a viewing.

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