ATULL.COM - Tenant Requirements

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So are you the kind of tenant(s) that I am looking for?

I'm not trying to be picky, just sensible...

IN MY EXPERIENCE: Getting tenants has always been more successful whenever I have been clear about the kind of people I would like to stay at the property. The guidelines below don't necessary represent inflexible requirements (unless I make that specific!) but they should help give some steer on the kind of prospective tenants I am seeking.

Here's the list of requirments that I am looking for in prospective tenant(s):

I have broken this list down into what I consider to be mandatory requirements (which I am inflexible on) and desired characteristics. The more of these qualities you have, the better. Please note that I will still interview all prospective tenants who express an interest.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • At least one of the applicants must be in full-time employment, and be earning 50% more than the amount they will pay in rent per month (I'll check for this in the bank statements provided)
  • The applicant(s) will be required to pay 1 months rent (amount dependant on property and package) as deposit, cleared 2 weeks in advance of moving in to the premises (in order to reserve the property), and the first month's rent to be paid and cleared by the day that they move in to the property (by cash or bank transfer, no cheques) . The deposit will be returned after all bills are settled (if applicable)
  • All rental payments must be paid by bank standing order into my account by the tenant on a monthly basis, which needs to be arranged for the duration of the contract term, effective from the day that they move in
  • The applicant(s) must either hold a valid UK passport, or a valid UK work permit. No assistance in applications for immigration or naturalisation will be provided
  • The tenant(s) will be expeced to pay the costs of their own calls if they choose a package whereby the landlord pays for the telephone line rental. It goes without saying that all bills in the tenant's name are expected to be paid by the tenant in a timely manner
  • The tenant(s) should not treat the property as a place of work, or conduct any business from this address
  • The applicant(s) will need to posess and provide the following photocopies of documentation:
    • Statements relating to their UK bank accounts - which confirm monthly salaries and evidence of a healthy monthly balance per applicant
    • References from current employer(s) per applicant, and past (if they have been in employment less than 1 year)
    • Previous landlord references with contact details, they will be contacted by phone / email. If this is not available, a character reference from a professional (not a friend or family) will be required - who will also be contacted
    • The passports of the applicant(s) and UK work permit(s) [If not a UK passport]
    • Proof of standing order arrangement of rental payment into my bank account on a monthly basis.
    • I will need a second postal address provided for the tenant(s) in cases of emergency, and a forwarding address and contact numbers after the tenant vacates the property.

Desired Tenant Characteristics:

If prospective applicant(s) have the following characteristics, then this will increase their chances of acceptance:

  • The tenant(s) should be house-proud; i.e. people who would treat and maintain the place as their own; keep it tidy, vacuum regularly, mow the lawn, clean furniture, etc. Tenants sympathetic with this requirement will be preferred
  • A preference for tenant(s) who don't bring any free-roaming pets with them (i.e. cats / dogs). Pets kept in enclosed spaces might be acceptable - but this needs to be checked first
  • A preference for tenant(s) who are non-smokers. If they smoke, smoking is strictly only permitted in the back garden, and evidence of smoking in the property will be charged for and considered a contractual breach
  • A preference for tenant(s) who are ideally a professional single person or a couple. It is possible to accept a small family (couple plus baby), or two friends. Two couples renting will mean an increased rent, and is not preferable
  • A preference for tenant(s) who are energy efficient and environmentally conscious of overusing energy
  • A preference for tenant(s) who don't want to bring their own beds. If they do, this may be possible, but the tenants have responsibility for putting existing beds into storage, paying the storage costs and returning the beds at the end of the tenancy (unless the tenants plan to leave the beds behind at the end of the tenancy)
  • I will make periodic checks with the tenant(s) to ensure that all is well at the property. I would therefore prefer tenant(s) who are amenable to me doing this. (I will retain a set of keys to the property in case of emergency)
  • The tenant(s) should be someone who agrees to the shorthold tenancy agreement (details in the shorthold Agreement section). Any issues with it should be highlighted and settled prior to the tenant moving in
  • The tenant(s) should be naturally tidy and ideally minimalist - in other words, cleaning up after themselves and not leaving lots of stuff lying around everywhere
  • The tenant(s) should be professional - I would expect no issues regarding payment of rent or the manner of payment
  • The tenant(s) should be somebody who works conventional hours in the day (or does not make noise at night), as this is a family area, with families living either side
  • The tenant(s) should be friendly, sociable and approachable, and be able to maintain a good relationship with their neighbours - and not make too much noise, or cause any disturbances
  • The tenant(s) should be sensible when inviting guests to the property - knowing that any damage caused by the guest(s) is the sole responsibility of the tenant(s).

If I can think of any more things to add here, I shall do - but I am sure that the above is an exhaustive list! Please keep on browsing the sections below for further information....

List of Properties Click Here to go back to the property home page and view headline information, prices and status on the properties availabke for rent. This page is updated regularly with statuses of planned and current availabilities, so please check back if interested.

Tenancy Agreement Terms Click Here to find out more details about the basic Assured Shorthold Tenancy laws in place (it's not meant to scare you off, but is just common sense). The tenant will be required to sign a contract very similar to the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement (with additional clauses for inclusive rent) prior to moving in.

Who am I looking for? Click Here to find out more information on the sorts of things I am looking for in a prospective tenant - most of it is common sense, but I think that it is always a good thing to mention this, based on past (good) experience.

How to Apply? If you have read all of the other sections, and are interested in finding out more about the place, click here to find out more details about how you can contact me to discuss further the possibility of renting this property. I can answer questions, or arrange a viewing.

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