ATULL.COM - How to apply for tenancy

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So are you ready to make your application?

If you are here, then you are probably serious about applying...

This section lists the ways upon which you can contact me so we can discuss a potential tenancy, but it also gives you an idea of the things you will need to do in order to make an application. Please ensure that you can do as many of these things as possible before contacting me. Many thanks.

So what do you need to have available in order to apply? (Note this is out of date, contact me if interested)

If you're ready to apply, please ensure that you have:

  1. Documents such as references and proof of earnings (see Tenant Requirements section)
  2. The capability to pay both the deposit (equivalent to 1 month's rent), plus one month's rent before the beginning of the term. The deposit must be received in advance to reserve the property
  3. A valid UK bank account from which you can set-up monthly direct debits for payment of rent. Banks not using the Faster Payments Service will need to set-up payment 3 working days in advance of the rent due date.
  4. No objections to a credit reference check to be carried out against your (and other applicant's) name(s)
  5. A valid UK passport or a UK work permit. Please note that I cannot help in any way with immigration
  6. A decision on whether you want the basic rental package, or any additional services and full awareness of entering any contracts with third party suppliers (with note to settlement at the end of the let)
  7. A view on how long you intend to reside as a tenant at the property
  8. Read and think you satisfy as many pre-requisites from the Tenant Requirements section (link below)
  9. A phone number and email address that I can reach you on - please provide this. I will first speak to prospective tenants on the phone, before any subsequent meeting. Property addresses will only be provided after initial phone vetting.
  10. The time to visit the property for a short interview and viewing. I will be interviewing tenants in person before accepting any application. Please bring the documentation requested with you. The interview will take place at the residence itself, so you can view the property.

I will then notify you if your application has been successful (subject to meeting most of the Tenant Requirements) or has not been accepted via a phone conversation.

So if all of this sounds good to you, then please contact me using this email to express your interest, with a brief description of yourself, plus any attachments that you can send in advance. Please also provide a contact number for yourself, which I will use to get back to you.

Please revisit the Tenant Requirements section below if you are not sure of the requirements. Otherwise I look forward to hearing from you!

List of Properties Click Here to go back to the property home page and view headline information, prices and status on the properties availabke for rent. This page is updated regularly with statuses of planned and current availabilities, so please check back if interested.

Tenancy Agreement Terms Click Here to find out more details about the basic Assured Shorthold Tenancy laws in place (it's not meant to scare you off, but is just common sense). The tenant will be required to sign a contract very similar to the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement (with additional clauses for inclusive rent) prior to moving in.

Who am I looking for? Click Here to find out more information on the sorts of things I am looking for in a prospective tenant - most of it is common sense, but I think that it is always a good thing to mention this, based on past (good) experience.

How to Apply? If you have read all of the other sections, and are interested in finding out more about the place, click here to find out more details about how you can contact me to discuss further the possibility of renting this property. I can answer questions, or arrange a viewing.

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